Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Da Vinci, Monet, Picasso, Renoir or Van Gogh.........

No, not any of the above. These paintings were done by the up and coming artist by the name of, Tanner Crumrine. Now, I have been trying to figure out what style he is using. I cannot figure out if he is using.....................




He always calls it painting.. " Mom, look I painted your pantry" Mom, I painted my dresser". I know you must think I never watch my child, but it is AMAZING at what he can get into in a matter of me sending an email or going to making a phone call. But, from what I can tell, we may have a great future in art ahead of us !!! Just this morning he "painted" his dump truck with yogurt, it looked clear so a picture wouldn't have done it justice. As I was preparing this blog post he managed to pull his "pull up" off while full of poop, which got on his hands, so he decided to "paint" his dresser and his guitar. No, I didn't take a picture of that one.... I think it would have also fallen under Expressionism !!!


eleventhirtysix images said...

Wow, that's quite a talent Tanner has. I'm impressed! Most artists aren't committed enough to explore medium's such as poop... good for him for thinking outside the box, and challenging his audience to look beyond what is comfortable.

Or maybe just ick. :o)

Andi and Michael said...

Did you kiss his cheek and tell him what a beautiful painting it was? :-)

Kim and JD said...

Of course I did...... :)

Andi and Michael said...

Okay - time for a new blog entry :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, I always brag on the Boys, no matter what. I am proud of JD & Kim. What a joy it is to see my
Boys growing and experimenting with new mediums.
I love all of you so much. Hang in there it will get better. Maybe in 10 to 14 years.

The Craftypigs said...

I'm laughing and I shoudn't be I know but seriously, that's funny s@#t.